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Small Quantity Paper & Envelopes - Broken Cartons | Especially for Designers & Printers

Glodan - Litho Sheen - Buy Small Quantities Online, Cut to SizeGlodan - Litho Sheen Logo

Printers and Designers: Need less than a full carton or case of Glodan - Litho Sheen? Need matching envelopes? Need a Glodan - Litho Sheen that has been discountinued? Need it fast?

Glodan - Litho Sheen Litho Sheen C/2/S 22 Paper/Text
Card Stock/Cover
Matte C/2/S color stock used for brochures, tickets, tags, direct mail, business cards, folders, menus, posters, table tents and more. All colors are digitally compatible but special attention should be given to the fluorescents due to the make up of their coating. As with any paper, pretesting is suggested.

Click a color for pricing:

White Ivory Buff Salmon Orange Pink Lilac Light Blue Dark Blue Light Green Dark Green Brown Yellow Red Gray Fluorescent Orange Fluorescent Red/Orange Fluorescent Pink Fluorescent Chartreuse Fluorescent Green White C/1/S Litho White Digital
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