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Small Quantity Paper & Envelopes - Broken Cartons | Especially for Designers & Printers

French Paper - Buy Small Quantities Online, Cut to SizeFrench Paper Logo

Printers and Designers: Need less than a full carton or case of French Paper? Need matching envelopes? Need a French Paper that has been discountinued? Need it fast?

French Paper Construction Vellum 19 A2
6 X 9 Booklet
6 Square
Card Stock/Cover
Construction offers a nice collection of Whites and Lights. All are 100% recycled containing post consumer waste, except for Pure White. Construction is acid- free and is processed without the use of Chlorine. Common uses include: Annual reports, financials, posters, stationery, identity systems, books, brochures, and marketing collateral.

Click a color for pricing:

Pure White Recycled White Whitewash Insulation Pink Tile Green Grout Gray Cement Green Steel Blue Safety Orange Brick Red Electric Red Paver Red Charcoal Brown Timber Green Nightshift Blue Blacktop
French Paper Dur-O-Tone Vellum 15 A2
6 X 9 Booklet
Card Stock/Cover
Dur-O-Tone is the first authentic industrial papers developed specifically for printability. Butcher resembles the look of actual butcher wrap with a highly galvanized/super-calendar finish. Newsprint looks like the evening paper, only you can print 4/C process without worry. Packing looks like bag and packaging material that prints wonderfully in a vellum finish. Dur-O-Tone is acid-free and is processed without the use of Chlorine. All colors are 100% recycled containing post consumer waste except for Butcher White. Common uses include: Annual reports, financials, posters, stationery, identity systems, books, brochures, and marketing collateral.

Click a color for pricing:

Butchers Extra White Butcher White Butcher Off White Butcher Blue Butcher Extra Blue Butcher Orange Packing Brown Wrap Steel Grey
French Paper Glo-Tone Vellum 9 A2
Card Stock/Cover
Glo-tone comes standard in 9 glowing shades with all your seasons and holidays covered. Glo-Tone has a semi-vellum finish with the text weights laser and ink jet guaranteed. Glo-tone is acid free and processed without the use of Chlorine

Click a color for pricing:

Shocking Pink Red Light Orange Light Shocking Yellow Shocking Green Green Light Blue Light Purple Light
French Paper Kraft-Tone Vellum 12 A2
6 X 9 Booklet
6 Square
Card Stock/Cover
The entire Kraft-Tone grade is mixed from a base of 100% post-consumer waste and manufactured using 100% hydropower.

Click a color for pricing:

Standard White Index Off-White Manila Yellow Paper Bag Brown Box Chipboard Packing Chip Standard Black
French Paper Muscletone Vellum 10 Card Stock/Cover
Muscletone is perfect for hang tags, pocket folders and other projects where the typical cover weight thickness just isnt enough. Muscletone is acid-free and without the use of chlorine. All colors are 10% recycled containing post consumer waste, except for Pure White

Click a color for pricing:

Pure White - Construction Sweet Tooth - Pop-Tone Whip Cream - Pop-Tone Starch White - Speckletone Madero Beach - Speckletone Sno Cone - Pop-Tone Kraft - Speckletone Hot Fudge - Pop-Tone Black - Speckletone
French Paper Parchtone Vellum 14 A2
6 X 9 Booklet
Card Stock/Cover
French Parchtone was the industry's original colored imitation parchment created back in 1949. Parchtone is acid-free and processed without the use of chlorine. Common uses include: Annual reports, financials, posters, stationery, identity systems, books, brochures, and marketing collateral.

Click a color for pricing:

White Fleece White Natural Storm Aged Camel Salmon Green Tea Sage Sky Gunmetal
French Paper Pop-Tone Vellum 24 A2
6 X 9 Booklet
9 x 12 Catalog
4 Baronial Square Flap
Card Stock/Cover
Pop-tone like all French Paper grades is made to an alkaline PH and buffered with archival properties for greater longevity. All text items are laser and ink jet guaranteed. Every pound of French Paper, over the last 85 years, has been produced with the use of Green Power, via their own on-site hydroelectric plant.

Click a color for pricing:

Sweet Tooth Whip Cream Lemon Drop Banana Split Berrylicious Sno Cone Blu Raspberry Spearmint Gumdrop Green Limeade Jellybean Green Sour Apple Bubblegum Pink Lemonade Razzle Berry Cotton Candy Grape Jelly Grapesicle Tangy Orange Orange Fizz Wild Cherry Red Hot Black Licorice Hot Fudge
French Paper Speckletone Vellum 18 A2
6 X 9 Booklet
Card Stock/Cover
Speckletone is the original natural additive sheet on the market. It was created back in 1955 and is recognized by designers and printers alike as the industry leader. Speckletone is 100% recycled containing post consumer waste as well as being acid free and manufactured without the use of Chlorine. Common uses include: Annual reports, financials, posters, stationery, identity systems, books, brochures, and marketing collateral.

Click a color for pricing:

Starch White Starch Mint Starch Rain True White Madero Beach Cordtone Cream Sand Natural Oatmeal Kraft Brown Chocolate Olive Wine Black
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